Neutronic Molecules: A Quantum Leap in Nanotechnology*

Nanotechnology In a remarkable breakthrough, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have unveiled a discovery that could revolutionize our understanding of material properties and quantum mechanics. Dubbed "Neutronic Molecules," this phenomenon describes the binding of neutrons to quantum dots, a process previously unimagined in the realm of physics. * Quantum Dots: The Building Blocks of the Future* Quantum dots are nanoscale atomic clusters that have unique electronic properties due to their size. They are at the forefront of nanotechnology, promising advancements in various fields, from photovoltaics to quantum computing. The ability to manipulate these particles is key to harnessing their potential. *The Strong Force: A New Player in Quantum Binding* The study, published in the journal ACS Nano, reveals that neutrons can attach to quantum dots solely through the strong force¹. This fundamental force, typically known for holding the nucleus of an...