
The Immortal Depths: Unveiling the Longevity of Ocean Dwellers,

Picture Edit by (shehryar)  The ocean, a vast expanse of mystery and wonder, is home to some of the most ancient creatures on our planet. Among these, the *Greenland Shark* stands out as the longest-living water animal, with an estimated lifespan that can extend up to *500 years* . These enigmatic giants of the deep grow at a mere *1cm per year*, reaching sexual maturity around the age of *150*. But the Greenland Shark is not alone in its longevity. The *Ocean Quahog* , a species of clam, is known to live for over *400 years*. One particular Ocean Quahog, named * Ming *, was dredged off the coast of Iceland and was determined to be **507 years old**¹, setting the record for the oldest animal in the world. These remarkable lifespans beg the question: what is their secret? It appears that a slow metabolism, often found in larger animals and those living in cold habitats, plays a crucial role. The frigid waters of the Arctic, for instance, provide the perfect environment for the Green

Neutronic Molecules: A Quantum Leap in Nanotechnology*

Nanotechnology  In a remarkable breakthrough, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have unveiled a discovery that could revolutionize our understanding of material properties and quantum mechanics. Dubbed "Neutronic Molecules," this phenomenon describes the binding of neutrons to quantum dots, a process previously unimagined in the realm of physics. * Quantum Dots: The Building Blocks of the Future* Quantum dots are nanoscale atomic clusters that have unique electronic properties due to their size. They are at the forefront of nanotechnology, promising advancements in various fields, from photovoltaics to quantum computing. The ability to manipulate these particles is key to harnessing their potential. *The Strong Force: A New Player in Quantum Binding* The study, published in the journal ACS Nano, reveals that neutrons can attach to quantum dots solely through the strong force¹. This fundamental force, typically known for holding the nucleus of an

Banana Ice Cream Recipe

  # Ingredients: - *Ripe bananas*: The spottier and uglier, the better. Deeply ripe bananas provide natural sweetness and creaminess. - *Milk* - *Cream* - *Eggs* - *Vanilla extract* # Instructions: 1. *Peel and slice* the ripe bananas. 2. *Blend* the bananas with milk, cream, eggs, and a splash of vanilla extract until smooth. 3. *Chill* the mixture in the refrigerator for a few hours. 4. *Churn* the chilled mixture in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions. 5. *Transfer* the churned ice cream to a container and freeze until firm. 6. *Serve* and enjoy your homemade banana ice cream! 🍌🍨 Dated : 4/21/2024

Moringa: A Superfood for Health and Safety,

                              MORINGA Creating by shehryar  Moringa Oleifera, commonly known as Moringa, is a plant that has been praised for its health benefits for thousands of years. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids and carries a plethora of benefits for the body. Here, we explore the myriad of ways Moringa can contribute to health and safety, supported by references from leading health blogs. *Nutritional Powerhouse* Moringa leaves are a significant source of ** vitamins A, C, and E**; calcium ; potassium; and protein. It boasts more iron than spinach and more vitamin C than oranges. This makes Moringa a powerful ally in combating malnutrition and various deficiencies. *Skin and Hair* Moringa seed oil is beneficial for the skin and hair, providing nourishment and protection. It has been found to heal skin wounds and reduce oxidative stress⁵. The oil's rich nutrients also promote healthy hair, making it a popular ingredient in hair care products⁵. *Liver Protect

The Discovery of the Largest Stellar Black Hole

BY NASA  *Astronomical Marvel: The Discovery of the Largest Stellar Black Hole in Our Galactic Backyard* In an extraordinary revelation that has stirred the astronomical community, scientists have announced the discovery of the largest stellar black hole within the Milky Way galaxy. Dubbed *Gaia-BH3*, this colossal entity is situated a mere *2,000 light-years* from Earth, in the constellation Aquila. With a mass *33 times* that of our Sun, Gaia-BH3 challenges our understanding of stellar evolution and black hole formation. This monumental find was made possible by the European Space Agency's *Gaia mission*, which aims to construct the most precise three-dimensional map of our galaxy. As researchers sifted through the Gaia data, they noticed an unusual 'wobble' in a distant star. This wobble was the telltale sign of the star's dance with an invisible partner, a partner whose gravitational pull revealed it to be a black hole of unprecedented mass. The discovery of Gaia-BH

Aurorae on a Cold Brown Dwarf,

**Aurorae on a Cold Brown Dwarf: A James Webb Space Telescope Discovery** In the vast expanse of the cosmos, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has made a groundbreaking discovery that could reshape our understanding of brown dwarfs, often referred to as 'failed stars.' Astronomers have detected signs of methane emission on a cold brown dwarf, an observation that has left scientists both baffled and exhilarated. # The Discovery The brown dwarf in question, designated as W1935, is a relatively nearby celestial body located 47 light-years from Earth. With a surface temperature of approximately 400° Fahrenheit, W1935 is considered cold by stellar standards. This temperature is far too low for such methane emissions to occur naturally, which is why the discovery by JWST is so intriguing. # The Significance Methane is commonly found in the atmospheres of gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn, where it absorbs light. However, the emission of methane from a brown dwarf is unprecedente

Brain Cells That Enhance Memory Focus and Storage Identified in their expression

  Memory Focus Edit by (shehryar)  Recent research has identified a new type of neuron, known as *PAC neurons*, which play a significant role in enhancing our ability to maintain and focus on short-term memories.  These neurons coordinate the activity of memory-specific neurons without storing any information themselves. The study, conducted by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, was published in the peer-reviewed journal *Nature*. Key findings from the study include: PAC neurons utilize phase-amplitude coupling to synchronize with memory-related brain waves, aiding in focus and memory retention. They fire in time with the brain's *theta waves*, associated with focus and control, and *gamma waves*, linked to information processing. This coordination helps in the storage and recall of information in working memory. The hippocampus, previously known for its role in long-term memory, is also involved in controlling working memory. Understanding these mechanisms may lead to improved treatment